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Retail’s biggest decline on record for May and why affiliate can help
Figures released by the British Retail Consortium and KPMG shows that on a total basis, non-food sales dropped 2.7% in May, the largest decline since records began in 1995. While the decreases are responsible in…
- Jun 05
5 reasons to consider investing in affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a gem of a marketing channel. It’s flexible, cost-efficient and covers a wide range of promotional methods all under one roof. Some marketers think affiliate marketing is a separate type of marketing…
- Feb 18
If you don’t think affiliate marketing works, then you’re doing it wrong
As with all channels, affiliate is beginning to receive some scepticism as to its success rate and position as a valuable digital marketing channel. Some advertisers claim that the affiliate channel doesn’t work, or at…
- Jan 21